New releases and classic cuts from the world of death metal, doom metal, black metal, thrash, and beyond. Featuring new tracks from Destruction, Tormentor Tyrant, Dax Riggs, Fleshbore, and more.
Original Broadcast: January 24, 2025
Host recommendations highlighted green. Listener requests highlighted blue.
Heavy Death Bombardment - Tormentor Tyrant
Global War - Rohan
Circling The Abyss - Grand Devourer
Bile of the Gods - Deadspawn
Choke on the Cross - Disrupted
The Price Of Greed - The Summon
Wandering Twilight - Fleshbore
Snare Bombs over Granddad - Xander Raymond Charles
Brace - The Machinist
Biosintesis (feat. Vulvodynia) - descarnado
Devil Tree - Vulvodynia
The Art of Betrayal (feat. Rodrigo Giacon [Curveless] and Andy Lichtenstein) - Dream Elixir
Graveyard Soul - Dax Riggs
Death Finds A Way - Death Cult 69
Germinal - Tenebrae
The Vulture Circles - Negative 13
Nuke The Cross - Toxic Holocaust
Somos Eternos - Retador
To Propagate the Void - Black Fast
King of Nothing - Amarka
Russian Roulette - The Slime
Extinction Level Event - Our Vile Goddess
Dead Best Friend - Blood & Earl
Goonslingers - Nembutolik
Geometry of Impurity - Vile Form
Paris Sous les Tombes - À Terre
Spontaneous Abortion - Nuclear Remains
A.N.G.S.T. - Destruction
Tagged À Terre, Amarka, ARLOMINE, Black Fast, Blood & Earl, Dax Riggs, Deadspawn, Death Cult 69, descarnado, Destruction, Disrupted, Dream Elixir, Fleshbore, Grand Devourer, Negative 13, Nembutolik, Nuclear Remains, Our Vile Goddess, Retador, Rohan, Tenebrae, The Machinist, The Slime, The Summon, Tormentor Tyrant, Toxic Holocaust, Vile Form, Vulvodynia, Xander Raymond Charles