Best of 2024 in death metal, black metal, thrash, doom, and more. This broadcast features Randal's picks for best metal albums of the year plus favorite tracks released during November.
Original Broadcast: December 27, 2024
Host recommendations highlighted green. Listener requests highlighted blue.
Edge of the Abyss - SuperScience
Bioalkemisti - Oranssi Pazuzu
Muuntautuja - Oranssi Pazuzu
12-31-89 - The Lion's Daughter
Frownland - Chat Pile
Camcorder - Chat Pile
The Scent - Alkymist
Gargoyles - Vulture
Unhallowed & Forgotten - Vulture
Black Leather Hordes - Inverted Cross
The 6th Finger - Nasty Savage
Abortron - Mutank
Calling: Labor - Horndal
Blacklisted - Horndal
Black Scream - Temple Of Dread
Hello Hell - Miracle Blood
Rotten Apple - Fulci
Sadistic Murder - Fulci
Animosity - Maat
The Shape Of Hate (feat. Oliver Rae Aleron) - Aborted
Despicable Existence - A Scar For The Wicked
Weaker Wolves - Fit For An Autopsy
Hunger - Toxaemia
Scorched Earth - Against I
Hesperus - Altar ov Asteria
Tagged A Scar For The Wicked, Aborted, Against I, Alkymist, Altar ov Asteria, Chat Pile, Fit For An Autopsy, Fulci, Horndal, Inverted Cross, Maat, Miracle Blood, Mutank, Nasty Savage, Oranssi Pazuzu, Temple Of Dread, The Lion's Daughter, Toxaemia, Vulture