Thrash metal, death metal, black metal and doom metal new releases week of November 29, 2024. Featuring new tracks from Gorgon, Mutank, Against I, Total Hate, Altar ov Asteria, Grave With a View, and more.
Original Broadcast: November 29, 2024
Host recommendations highlighted green. Listener requests highlighted blue.
The Truth - Brainwave
Holocausto Molto Vivace Ma Non Troppo - FILII NIGRANTIUM INFERNALIUM
Tod. Mort. Death. - Gorgon
Mountains Of Fear - Mandroïd of Krypton
Abortron - Mutank
Black Leather Hordes - Inverted Cross
The Mother of Death - Necronomicon Ex Mortis
Scorched Earth - Against I
Sad Plight of Lucifer - Konkhra
Slimeblade - Ritual Fog
Vomit Distaste - Ass to Mouth
Thrall - Aoidos
Under the Banner of Hell - Feral Forms
Hailing the Fallen Angels - Total Hate
Der Herr der Schaben - Der Rote Milan
Hesperus - Altar ov Asteria
Eikon - Apostasie
Wrest - Grave With a View
Estate - Borehead
Get Them Wrong - Big Muff Brigade
Ancient Sleeper - Faraxis
A Liar's Crown - WARPSTORMER
Satellites - dying grotesque
Cryogenic Decay - Festergore
Dead Remnants - Rat Tomb
Sewer Rot - Rotpit
Nerve Rot - Scythrow
Tagged Against I, Altar ov Asteria, Aoidos, Apostasie, Ass to Mouth, Big Muff Brigade, Borehead, Brainwave, Der Rote Milan, dying grotesque, Faraxis, Feral Forms, Festergore, FILII NIGRANTIUM INFERNALIUM, Gorgon, Grave With a View, Inverted Cross, Konkhra, Mandroïd of Krypton, Mutank, Necronomicon Ex Mortis, Rat Tomb, Ritual Fog, Rotpit, Scythrow, Total Hate, WARPSTORMER