This Edge of the Abyss replay from Nov. 8, 2024 focuses on anti-fascist death metal, punk, & black metal including an emphasis on RABM and TWBM. With a few Nov. 8th new releases thrown in, as well. Featuring tracks from Total Massacre, Antacid Trip, Broken Vow, Immolation, Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze, Dawn Ray'd, Feminazgul, & more.
Original Broadcast: November 8, 2024
Host recommendations highlighted green. Listener requests highlighted blue.
Less Meaning - The Body
This Dumpster Is A Country - Total Massacre
Deep Pockets (Short Arms) - Antacid Trip
Harvest Day - Acid Blood
Auschwitz Tropical - BASTTARDZ
Propaganda of the Deed - Broken Vow
Fostering the Divide - Immolation
From Enslavement to Extinction - Climate Of Fear
Never Forget, Never Again (6 Million Dead) - Memoriam
Perception For Profit - Earthburner
Dying Flame - Spectral Decay
Scavenger Prophets - Woe
Enterprise - Underdark
Inferno - Dawn Ray'd
Ritual V: Descending - Bring Forth the Exodus
A History of Cages and Broken Bones - Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze
I Pity the Immortal - Feminazgul
Will You Save Yourself? - Antecantamentum
The Caretakers - Auriferous Flame
Ensnarers Within - Massacre
Nothing Left To Ooze - Molder
Machine Orthodoxy - Masochrist
Trans Day Of Revenge - G.L.O.S.S.
Trenches - Zetkin
Rise of the Right - Agnosy
Pro-Life Death Cult - Total Massacre
Tagged Acid Blood, Agnosy, Antacid Trip, Antecantamentum, Auriferous Flame, BASTTARDZ, Bring Forth the Exodus, Broken Vow, Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze, Climate Of Fear, Dawn Ray'd, Earthburner, Feminazgul, G.L.O.S.S., Immolation, Masochrist, Massacre, Memoriam, Molder, Spectral Decay, The Body, Total Massacre, Underdark, Woe, Zetkin