The October celebration continues with an all witch metal show! Featuring death metal, doom metal, thrash, and more from Acid Witch, Void Witch, Witchery, Witch Vomit, Temple of the Fuzz Witch... you get it. There be witches.
Original Broadcast: October 11, 2024
Host recommendations highlighted green. Listener requests highlighted blue.
Gather Each Witch - Acid Witch
Deathbound Invocation - Tomb Witch
Midnight at the Graveyard - Witchery
I Am of Death (Hell Has Arrived) - Skeletonwitch
Lights Out - All Them Witches
Mutated - Witch
Be My Witch - Margarita Witch Cult
Taint of the Witch - Witch Taint
Fresh Blood, Fresh Pussy - Witch Club Satan
The Inquisitor - Witch Hunt
Sanctuary of Disgrace - Hammer Witch
Leather Noose - Atomic Witch
The Burning of Salem - Witchery
It Seems Like You're Wrong This Time - Crucified Witch
The Black Witch - Acid Witch
Time Crystal / Mind Prism - Asteroid Witch
Wytch Stomp - Wytch Goat
Crown of Nails - Black Witch
Foul of Shades - Temple of the Fuzz Witch
Cromagnonaut - Cybernetic Witch Cult
Forever Spoken - Witchpit
Bed Full of Snakes - Methwitch
Witch Cunt - Witch Vomit
Grave Mistake - Void Witch
Draconick Sorcerous Canadian Witchknights - Wormwitch
Tagged Acid Witch, All Them Witches, Asteroid Witch, Atomic Witch, Black Witch, Crucified Witch, Cybernetic Witch Cult, Hammer Witch, Margarita Witch Cult, Methwitch, Skeletonwitch, Temple of the Fuzz Witch, Tomb Witch, Void Witch, Witch, Witch Club Satan, Witch Hunt, Witch Taint, Witch Vomit, Witchery, Witchpit, Wormwitch, Wytch Goat