Original Broadcast: July 19, 2024
Host recommendations highlighted green. Listener requests highlighted blue.
- Urban Cowboy - Mexican Coke
- Evil Has No Boundaries - Slayer
- Enemigo - Ultimatum
- Evil Genius - Ireful
- Stand Hard - Trail of Lies
- Psychopath (feat. Joe Bad) - Body Count
- Under Friendly Fire - Act of Creation
- Evermurk - Assemble the Chariots
- Dark Isolation - Atavistia
- Act 2 - Pulpit - Axamenta
- Deranged Manifestations - Castrated
- The Fallen Lament, Paralytikus Ascends - Onchocerciasis Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Let Sleeping Corpses Lie - Convulsive
- Bind, Torture, Kill - Podridão
- It Follows - Vulvodynia
- Merge Into A Caustic Revocation - I Cursed
- Endure The Plight - Tracheotomy
- Bad King - Sable Hills
- The Justice Knife - Orange Goblin
- Breed, Feed, Repeat - Quiescent Mantis
- Not Getting In Line - Arka'n Asrafokor
- The Aurochs - Ensnared - Thousand Limbs
- Gentrification of the Soul - Februus
- Call Of The Moon - Crest Of Darkness
- Haunting Place - Eternal Drak
- Light Runs Through Light - Ceremony Of Silence
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